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Old 11-22-2012, 01:42 AM   #5
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Orthodoc, I think your comments are right on. I haven't wanted to accept the fact that Charlie is an addict, but that's exactly what he is. On the one hand, given the nature of Charlie's disability, I can see where medical marijuana could be quite helpful for him. But he is using it the way an addict would, not the way someone would who wanted to avail himself of its therapuetic effects.

There are times these days when Charlie actually seems resentful that I have food in my fridge (hot dogs or hamburger - big whoop) or that I could buy new tires for my truck (I saved for months to be able to get them). I guess he tells himself some fairy tale about how great I'm doing in order to justify his actions. Oh, and his income is actually 4 times what mine is - not 3 like I put in my op. He got himself a part time job a few months back to help with expenses, but that money just goes toward his pot habit, too.

This Thanksgiving thing has made me so angry that it's forced me to open my eyes. I'll be nice tomorrow for the elderly gentleman's sake, but I'm putting my foot down with Charlie. I hope he takes a good look in the mirror before his finances get so bad that he loses his house or something. But I can't fix him. He has to fix himself.
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