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Old 11-22-2012, 10:44 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by DanaC View Post
Have you explained to him what you've explained to us? That your income is a quarter of his and you're struggling too much to be able to loan out money willy nilly.
Oh, he knows. It's pretty hard to be friends with someone for 3 years and not have some idea about where they are at financially. And we talked a lot about what would happen if Romney got elected and vanished programs like housing vouchers. Which would have quite literally put me out on the streets (yes, I voted for Obama to get my "present" of living in an apartment and not live camped out in the forest )

Charlie just called when I was writing this - maybe he picked up on the vibes. Anyhow, he redeemed himself to some degree. Today is his birthday and one of his relatives wired him some money as a birthday gift. So, Charlie is going to use part of that money to pay me back for what I've spent on the meal. This news has definately improved my mood.

So Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
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