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Old 11-22-2012, 03:24 PM   #931
Fucktard Resistance League
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: 1.14 acres of heaven
Posts: 1,512
Today, I am mildly amused by the fact that (short of a 911 emergency*) there is no way to contact law enforcement officials in the area in which I live. Evidently, there is no crime on Thanksgiving day in this county, so our law enforcement agents have all taken the day off and left the telephone voice-bot in charge.

Well, yes, it is Thanksgiving, and I think it's outstanding that these diligent public servants are able to spend time with their loved ones, although I question the wisdom of leaving the phone in charge of the entire county on any given day.

Be that as it may, I find that I am unable to notify the proper authorities that I have found some very interesting stolen property...

I may have mentioned at some point that, among other things, I'm a professional pet sitter. This morning, while walking a client's dog along the river (which has been raging due to extensive rain over the last week), I noticed a large box-like thing hung up on the rocks and assorted tree limbs that had collected along the bank at a turn in the river.

I couldn't get very close as there was a big pile of unstable flotsam and jetsam between me and the box, but after a few minutes of observation, I discerned that this box was in fact a small business safe or large home safe that had been pried upon in various places at the bottom edge and along the door.


* Note: I did NOT try 911 out of frustration, although surely they've taken the day off, too.
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