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Old 12-06-2012, 08:00 AM   #21
polaroid of perfection
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Originally Posted by DanaC View Post
But every day in poverty, 365 days a year, every year, with no real sense of anything being truly changeable saps the will.
I've never really been there. My gripes have been more about working with people who earn two or three times my salary and comparing my life to theirs. "We're a team sounds hollow when your big treat every month is buying a cold bottle of Diet Coke and theirs is going to The Ivy. It's certainly not their fault, but if it hurt me when I was working full time I can see how it chafes people who find themselves unable to.

I've been in the same general area though. And it has to be part of your life. I remember resenting a documentary about women on benefits - or something like that - because she had branded condiments. Hang on! I want HP Sauce too! I buy my eggs singly and my fresh food every day because I can't afford any waste!

But you cut your cloth. You have to. And it takes planning, and time and commitment to live healthily on a low income when you are responsible for every penny.

Lucky here now. Never go without toilet paper or washing up liquid or washing powder in order to eat. I feel genuine pity for those without a safety net. No matter how bad things felt, I always had one.
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac
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