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Old 12-06-2012, 04:51 PM   #38
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Austin, TX
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Originally Posted by Rhianne
But what has really surprised me most about this thread is that no-one has asked what Clodfobble does with 20 pounds of zucchini each week.
Minifob eats them, all by his lonesome. I peel them first, which removes more weight than you might guess. Then I chop/cook/puree them (not juicing, real pureeing in the blender,) and he drinks them in veggie smoothies all day long. It takes a lot of veggies to equal the same number of calories in a serving of traditional carbs.

I used to buy that much about twice as often, until we figured out Minifobette is allergic to all forms of squash. So she eats a lot more carrots and onions now, to make up for it.
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