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Old 12-07-2012, 08:01 PM   #51
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While Adak has escaped off into some delusional fantasy land and is busy scribbling “Who is John Galt” on the wall in the men’s room, the real world marches on, and the Republicans still retain first place honors in the bizarre humor competition.

Yesterday, Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell actually stood up and filibustered his own bill.



Lawrence O'Donnell slammed Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell for filibustering his own bill on Thursday.
McConnell's attempt to embarrass Senate Democrats backfired when he proposed a vote on legislation that would increase the national debt ceiling. Senate majority leader Harry Reid called his bluff and agreed to move forward with the offer. McConnell then objected, arguing that sixty votes — the number required to end a filibuster and go to a vote — were necessary.

Speaking on MSNBC later that day, O'Donnell said that the stunt was "the most idiotic thing any minority leader has ever done on the Senate floor." After recounting how it unfolded, O'Donnell said that the event was remarkable for two reasons.

"One: a minority leader who has introduced a bill and asked for a vote, then opposing proceeding to a vote on his bill saying his bill should be subjected to the filibuster breaking vote threshold of 60 votes," O'Donnell said.

He continued, "And miracle number two was that the presiding officer, played that hour by Sen. Claire McCaskill... she actually comments on what has just happened instead of simply issuing the normal to and three word traffic directions that the presiding officer is limited to." O'Donnell was referring to what he called McCaskill's reaction to the exchange between McConnell and Reid. She snapped to attention and said, "Got whiplash."
- Huffington Post

Jon Stewart should fire his staff and just show clips from C-span.
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