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Old 12-08-2012, 08:23 PM   #59
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 796
Originally Posted by Ibby View Post
sure, except that's the exact opposite of reality. On every major issue so far, the left has compromised much further than the right.

Oh, wait, i forgot, they aren't ~real conservatives~ like you so they don't count.

I would like you to name a few big items that the left has compromised on more than the conservatives:


1) Cut the spending. I don't mean as a percent above the current spending (which they are calling now "the baseline"). I'm talking about cutting ACTUAL current spending.

2) Obama care

3) military strength (we now have less than half the number of ships we had in the peak 1980's), for one example.

4) Gun ownership and/or right to carry.

5) Federal tax code littered with exclusions, exemptions, and both intentional and unintentional loopholes.

6) Trade treaties that force our businesses to go overseas to use cheap, almost slave labor, in order to stay competitive.

7) Paying Egypt 400 Million dollars per year in "Foreign Aid", for bribe money. Lots of other countries get this kind of aid, as well.

8) Bring our sons and daughters home from most (not all), of these overseas military bases.

We don't need to protect Japan any more - they should take over their own defense. Same with South Korea - they have a HUGE economy, and a very effective military (if rather small imo). We need to be watching the DMZ between N and S Korea for 62 years, like we need another hole in our heads.

We don't need to protect West Germany anymore. The East Germans have promised not to attack!

Overall, the only thing the Conservatives got in the last two presidents' terms has been the Bush tax cuts - and if there is ONE single new bill that benefits more working Americans than a broad reduction in income tax, I don't know what it would be.

That's a winner for everyone, if it applies to everyone.
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