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Old 12-24-2012, 08:24 PM   #6
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 796
Originally Posted by tw View Post
How ironic. We once had as many if not more mentally ill citizens. And did not need guns everywhere to protect kids. What changed? Suddenly everyone needs military weapons including 155 mm howitzers. After all, the solution to violence and mentally ill people is more guns - so says the NRA. Extremists will eventually demand their rights to own a howitzer. After all, the NRA says everyone should have as many assult rifles and artillery necessary to protection to protect themselves.
We don't need - or have - military weapons. What we have are regular semi-automatic weapons which LOOK like military weapons. It's like you took your car, and painted it like a tank - would it BE a tank?

Why the mention of 155 howitzers? Just being sarcastic, or did you have a point?

We have long known the only reason for increased gun violence. Well documented in history. More guns means gun violence then increases significantly. This was especially true just after the civil war and during the 1920s. Two periods where gun possession increased to record levels and was followed by increased violent death rates.
Right after the Civil War we had nearly half the adult population of America, with PTSD. Either they were in the war, or they knew close friends or relatives, who were - plus the nation was being torn apart by huge social issues of slavery/abolition, and states seceding, from the Union, etc.

And at that time, no one knew about PTSD, and nothing was done to help fix that problem, or even acknowledge it existed.

Same in the 1920's - remember we had just gone through the greatest war in the world, at that time, complete with mustard gas attacks, AND were in the grips of the worst influenza outbreak (which killed more people than the war did, in total), sweeping around the world, in repeating waves.

Talk about PTSD!
When did gun violence decrease? When the population had less guns. When guns were sold more for hunting game - not people. What did the wild west do to stop violent deaths? Everyone surrendered their guns before entering town. Facts that contradict emotions promoted by the NRA. Facts that have always been known.
Before the cowboys and farmers come into town to get drunk on Friday night, yes - no guns in town, was very smart. Also, it showed in no uncertain terms that the LAW was in force in the town - which was not always the case in the wild west towns.

"There is no law west of Dodge, and no God, west of the Pecos." was the expression I recall hearing from generations, passed down.

Today we should have armed guards at every ATM. And National Guard with M-16s in every grocery store. Because the NRA says so. The gun industry will then give the NRA even more money.

Is the need for armed guards (that significantly reduce America's incomes and standards of living) a solution? Yes, because every teacher and child should have a gun to protect themselves. Even though history says more guns only reduce public safety. One can think like an emotional child. Or one can finally address the only reason for so much violence. 100 round clips, assault rifles, hollow point and armor piecing bullets, and an NRA that promoted the fear and violence - in the US and Mexico.

That 'big dic' thinking and the resulting hardware is the only thing that changed. As a result, violent deaths are increasing.
You're full of beans - violent crimes involving guns has decreased over the past 50 years, on a per capita basis, according to the FBI stats on this.

Get your facts straight, please.

We have "big dic" thinking, because we have lots of "no Dad" families, and without that influence, young men go beyond social norms in aggression. Other factors: drug problems, and on-going wars which force Dads in the service, to go overseas.

You can especially see this in the black communities. There are SO MANY families with just Mom and the kids.

I agree that civilians don't need, and shouldn't have access to:

armor piercing bullets, teflon tipped bullets (they penetrate body armor), large capacity magazines, and any caliber weapon larger than a .350 caliber.

I'm not a big game hunter, but I'm confident you could hunt an elephant successfully with a .338 Lapua or a .300 Winchester Magnum.

If you're hunting game, hollow point ammo is required. Target rounds will not kill game before it runs off.
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