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Old 12-26-2012, 02:42 PM   #9
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 796
We've had a WAR On Drugs, for 40 years or more - has anyone noticed a lack of illegal drugs on the streets? Occasionally, but not for long.

We had Prohibition on Alcohol, in the 1920's - did anyone notice a lack of alcohol being available? No, people found ways around that law.

If we outlaw guns, (like Norway has done), do you believe that criminals like Brevik will NOT somehow get their hands on guns, or explosives, or other weapons?

Will people like Lanza or Spengler NOT want to kill us? Spengler left a note saying "Killing is what I like doing". He wanted to not only kill the firemen and police, but also burn down his whole neighborhood - and made a good start at both those sick goals.

What stopped Spengler from killing more than two firemen, (and wounding a few more)?

A guy with a gun started shooting BACK AT HIM! No mass slaughter here, because someone had a gun, and knew how to use it.

Authorities do not know how Spengler obtained the Bushmaster rifle, .38-caliber revolver and 12-gauge shotgun he used, Pickering said. As a convicted felon, Spengler was not allowed to legally possess weapons.

Spengler would have killed many more people, EXCEPT a policeman shielded the wounded firemen on the ground with his car, AND SHOT BACK at SPENGLER WITH his rifle.

What have we learned today?

* Criminals don't CARE about gun laws - they will get guns or other weapons they can use against YOU.

* It behooves you to have a gun to shoot them when they try to kill you.

Apologies for boring the liberals who seem completely unable to understand this basic premise.

Here's a little lesson from nature:

Without a firearm, we are the warthog - careful, but still vulnerable, and still a victim. (not for the squeamish):

Part of the above is a copy from my post in the gun control thread. Since the Democrats have been screaming for gun control, it's topical in both threads, imo.
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