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Old 12-27-2012, 03:54 PM   #272
Goon Squad Leader
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Originally Posted by footfootfoot View Post
Naps are the best, I love that feeling of drifting in and out of dreams and sleep.

I've only gotten up recently, and the other three kids in the house are still sleeping or quietly alone in their rooms. It's 1:45. In fact I've only gotten my own damn self up to reply to another thread I read on my phone (from bed). Where is that thread, or was that a dream too?


there was a dream about a cellar thread... footfootfoot had posted a lovely picture of some well forested hills, somewhere country. I playfully replied that I wished he'd said something about being there because I was in the same area at the same time, or so I thought. footfootfoot had taken and posted the picture a long time ago, years, from a trip where he'd been helping a friend survey some land. He was in an elevated location, and the picture was the result. *my* picture was very similar, but was from a recent trip. I, too, had been out in the woods and at a high elevation but because I had been repairing some high tension lines that had failed. I had a whole diy repair photojournal of the repair/replace process (in my dream) and also took a scenic shot from on top of the tower.

When I realized I'd replied to a years old thread, I was embarrassed.
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