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Old 12-28-2012, 05:41 PM   #953
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Austin, TX
Posts: 20,012
More amusement: We've discovered that our new oven has a "Sabbath mode."

For those not aware, there's this small, strange overlap of people who feel they must strictly observe the Jewish rule of "no work" on the Sabbath, and yet are too modern to give up any of the stuff they like to do on Saturdays that doesn't involve contemplating God in one's home all day. So you get weird rationalizations like, "you can ride in an elevator, but you can't push the buttons," such that elevators in "Sabbath mode" will automatically stop on every floor.

When Sabbath mode is engaged, the oven basically stays on for 12 hours, with the interior light and digital display functions disabled. Like the elevator, you can put stuff in it, and if it happens to be hot and cook your food, well, God will understand that you were an unwitting bystander to the work that your gentile appliance was doing.

Better hope the local firefighters don't observe the Sabbath when you accidentally set your kitchen on fire.
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