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Old 12-30-2012, 08:30 PM   #53
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Originally Posted by Nirvana View Post
No solutions yet, this is what I think
Some people have and always will try to kill others. Some people will always be mentally unstable. Neither peers nor the system have or will identify many of these people.

So what has changed? One thing. Suddenly these people are equipped and encouraged to arm themselves with unrestricted access to military grade weapons.

Nobody was saying anything about a gun ban no matter how often extremists insist that is being promoted. Only change is the intensity of weapons that have no purpose but to hunt and kill people in mass numbers.

So far we have been lucky. Attacks even back to Columbine were with weapons and ammunition intended to kill over 100. In so many cases, only weapon failure resulted in so few deaths.

Need protection? A .22 was always sufficient. A Darringer was easily could ward off a threat. But that does not do enough damage to satisfy the emotional. They need NATO rounds, hollow point bullets, 50 caliber rifles, and 155 mm howitzers. And then need sandbags, bullet proof glass, security guards with armoured vests, unrestricted wiretapping, hate of immigrants, and fear. Because the solution is only more weapons and a bunker mentality.

After is, it was always about them verses us - according to those who subvert an honest discussion.

Details to undermine so much gun violence is simple if only adults using a prefrontal cortex are negotiating a solution. But today, with tea party, Rush Limbaugh, NRA, professional propaganda machines massacrading as think tanks, and even the Chamber of Commerce all now promoted extremist rhetoric to the emotional, then a logical (adult) discussion is impossible.

Step one to a solution is to first identify the problem. Problem is so many now armed with numerous military style weapons and ammunition. Even clips that carry 100 rounds. These were not readily available and encouraged 20 years ago. A problem not just apparent in the US. These 'big dic' concepts are the primary reason for so much recent violence in Mexico. Where same criminals were not a major problem until the US started arming them with NRA promoted "protection".

Eliminate the soundbytes. Then the problem is traceable to what weapons a civilian needs. Why do we know need weapons that only have one purpose - to hunt and masscre herds of people? That is the only thing that has changed.
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