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Old 01-04-2013, 06:03 PM   #136
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 796
Originally Posted by glatt View Post
Your gunman was a law abiding citizen up until the moment he wasn't. If he didn't have access to that gun, this wouldn't have happened. If you put even more guns into even more hands, then this sort of thing is going to happen even more often. You have good in you. You also have evil in you. Sometimes you give in to the evil. If you happen to have a gun when you give in to the evil, then the damage is worse. If your gun is a semi automatic that holds 30 rounds, then the damage is much worse.

You have to draw the line somewhere. The line is currently drawn in the wrong place. It needs to move in the direction of fewer rounds, and a slower firing rate.
You have a valid point about large magazines - no one but the military/police has a need for more than a 10 bullet capacity.

I'm very much in favor of banning larger capacity magazines, for civilians - which is already the law in California, btw.

But evil people WILL find ways to kill us, without using a gun at all.

Witness 9/11 - there WAS NO GUN at all.

Think for a moment if a GOOD guy or gal had been on those planes, and carrying concealed?

Box cutters vs 9 mm?

I'll take those odds, any day.

"Armed People, not Sheeple" - don't think the wolves don't know the difference.
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