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Old 01-11-2013, 04:47 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Undertoad View Post
If there's a cultural problem to school shootings, it's that we are addicted to the drama of reality. The most dramatic, horibble thing we can imagine is schoolchildren being shot.
Almost like everyone forgot what was so obvious in "Bowling for Columbine". Go across a bridge. Where fear is not promoted. Across from Detroit is almost no gun crimes. People need not even lock their doors. Where many if not most violent crimes were by people from where fear is promoted to increase profits.

Today in America, we need even bigger weapons to protect us from fears that did not exist ... until we had big guns to protect us from those once mythical fears.

Only useful statistic - how many dead per shooter? A number that increases as number of assault weapons increase. And a number that decreases with less guns. Well documented in history.

We need bigger weapons to protect ourselves from our fears. A bogeyman invented to increase profits.

Recently, down the road from the Cellar, a Council Rock High School student (Newtown PA) planned to attack his school the next day. Police invaded that house. Found two 9 mm handguns on his nightstand. Even his parents had to be arrested for obstruction. They full well knew their kid had these guns, was not properly securing them, and was only a minor. An adult who is not a child would not be so irresponsible. And then deny their responsibility using profanity.

Every kid should have weapons - the parent's attitude. A potential disaster averted only a week after Newtown CT. Necessary because every student must protect himself from his peers. An attitude even in parents.

Other nations do not promote mythical fears to their mentally weakest. Therefore do not have these problems every month.

Relevent number: deaths per murder. A tiny number in nations when industry does not invent fears to increase sales and profits. It works mostly on adults who still think like children.

Last edited by tw; 01-11-2013 at 05:47 PM.
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