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Old 01-11-2013, 04:48 PM   #9
Nearly done.
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A sidetrack completely but, from a distance at least, Americans seem to have a different relationship with their guns from people elsewhere on the planet. Perhaps it's a kind of love. Even where guns in other parts have proliferated they seem to be considered as nothing more than tools but I often see something appoaching worship displayed by many an American on websites. My daughter and I were laughing at a recent article in a newspaper until we looked at each other, realising at the same time that the folk in it were for real.

There's a popular thread here in the Cellar, which I admittedly don't closely follow, I wish could've been called 'Interesting Weapons' - I've always found its current title a little creepy, but that's just me.

I'm happy that guns are a rarity here.
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