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Old 01-12-2013, 09:39 AM   #8635
infinite monkey
Person who doesn't update the user title
Join Date: Mar 2011
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An angel left this earth on Thursday.

My ex's lifelong best friend, and housemate, died in his sleep. He had been sick and he thought he maybe had food poisoning. My ex went home after taking his dad somewhere and found him.

I am devastated. I loved him very much. He was a true genuine spirit, one of a kind. He was an artist, owner of a family owned jewelry store that has been in this town since the 1830s. He made jewelry for everyone in town, I think. He also took up painting, and painted a replica of Starry Night just for me. It's absolutely beautiful.

I can't stop thinking about him, and all those millions of memories. Man we had some times, all of us. I cry and cry and it won't stop the hurt...and I know how much it is hurting others.

It doesn't make sense, as these things never do.

I am at the public library which is part of the building that houses the store, and used to house our old bar. We used to sneak into this building and take tours, flashlights in hand, when it was falling to ruins. I sit here and look around and think of him.

I will miss him forever.
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