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Old 01-13-2013, 09:18 PM   #191
Now living the life of a POW
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Location: The Lost Corners of Colorado
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Originally Posted by Adak View Post

I wonder what our Miss America would suggest here, as a non-violent response?
If you mean Dana, I'm sure she'll speak for herself - if she feels like replying to your hyperbole, that is.

Meanwhile: Woman is working alone one night as a relief clerk/night auditor at a motel with a rough clientel - young males, mostly Native Americans, who can't wait to get off the Rez every weekend, rent a room in the nearest town and get drunk on their asses with the results you might expect.

One night our heroine hears banging noises and the sound of glass shattering at the back of the building. She calls 9/11 to alert the local cops of a potential break-in/robbery, grabs her trusty pepper spray and circles around back to see what's going on.

Sure enough, a drunk is trying to break in thru the laundry room, and alcohol is not the only substance he's high on. When he turns around to see who's interrupting his fun, he gets a good burst of pepper spray square in the face. He falls to the ground bellowing in pain and rubbing his eyes which have been temporarily blinded.

The cops arrive, hear the story of what went down before they arrived on the scene, and recognize the drunk as someone whose attempted break-in was not his first time at the rodeo. The guy is cuffed, placed in the back of the patrol car and locked up in the county jail where the pepper spray gradually wears off, leaving no lasting injury.

The rest of the night is quiet, the motel books balanced, and no first graders were harmed.

You can take your assault weapon and jam it where the sun don't shine.
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