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Old 01-29-2013, 07:11 AM   #2483
infinite monkey
Person who doesn't update the user title
Join Date: Mar 2011
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I read Gone Girl while I was off and out (off work but 'out' of the bin.) They had two copies at my library, and there were 11 hold requests. But then I remembered I got a $20 gift certificate for a local bookstore for christmas, and I got the hardcover for 2 dollars!

It was really good. I always love a good "wait...seriously?" That woman was something else. (avoiding spoilers)

But did anyone notice all the hobo references? Dead hobos, killing hobos...I swear I think people do get ideas from reading the Cellar. I remember one part where someone said that the killing hobos thing didn't really take off until...some year I can't remember. So, like many fad phrases, it could be that we invented it, or it could be that one of us just heard it somewhere. I prefer to think we invented it. Which means I need to be very careful or there will be nothing left for my book.

Thanks for the suggestion, all you who suggested it.
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