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Old 02-08-2013, 03:38 PM   #3455
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Arlington, VA
Posts: 27,717
I go for walks on my lunch hour. Today I went into a neighborhood supermarket that I've always walked past because it looks like you could get shot in there. It was actually pretty nice inside. The seafood section was pretty cheap, but they were selling fish I never heard of. So when I got back to the office, I looked up Butterfish. Apparently there are two kinds of Butterfish. There's the good Butterfish, which is kind of like a flounder, which was what I saw at this store, and there's the bad Butterfish. The bad Butterfish is an alternative name sometimes given to Escolar. The two fish look nothing alike. Now Escolar, I see, is a very delicious fish. Tastes rich,like butter. But when you eat more than about 5 ounces of it, you get orange oil leaking uncontrollably out of your anus for a few days.

So if you ever buy Butterfish make sure you get the correct kind.

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