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Old 02-12-2013, 07:52 AM   #3481
infinite monkey
Person who doesn't update the user title
Join Date: Mar 2011
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I heard a loud BOOM kind of sound last night. It sounded like gun shot. I wandered around my house and realized the wind was blowing fiercely so I must have heard someone's awning or something.

Then there were about 3 or 4 cop cars and a bambalance a few places down from mine. I tried to be sneaky and go out and see what I could see, but I figured if it had been a gun shot the guy/gal might be sneaking around and find me and force me inside and use me as a hostage. Which could be exciting or terrifying. I mean, it could go either way.

Then I think maybe a car left the road and smashed into one of the cars parked on the front street. I went by this morning and there is a van with the front driver's side corner panel all smashed, but that could have already been like that.

Can't find out today: our town is too poor to produce a Tuesday paper.

If a car did go off the road they had be skunky drunk because the roads were clear and there's a berm separating the residential street from the old highway (now County Road 34983479389347598374987348977282B.)
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