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Old 02-13-2013, 12:37 AM   #10687
I'm still a jerk
Join Date: Oct 2007
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Originally Posted by infinite monkey View Post
I agree. A bunch of assholes were being a bunch of assholes and I can understand getting really pissed off and saying shit you normally wouldn't say. Really. I understand that. Though I've done it in my head and to one close friend (ahem, job stuff, you wouldn't understand.) He handled it badly. He reacted instead of responding, because believe it or not people might feel hurt when you treat them like shit, and those people might not have the best coping skills immediately available to them at the moment.

Richards has said:

And there ain't nothin' sacred in a verbal encounter: I don't care who's been oppressing you for 300 years. You big enough man to start shit? Be big enough man to take shit. (Or woman.)

Now, if you'll excuse me I'm heading off to the White Woman Think Tank they are holding on campus, so we can discuss how far white women have come and be all proud and stuff by excluding people of color. Really? That's racist? Well...that think tank doesn't exist. You might want the other think tank down the hall.


And what is nuttier is that Strom Therman said and did a lot more racists things, like filibustering the civil rights act, and got to keep his job.
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