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Old 02-14-2013, 01:19 PM   #12
infinite monkey
Person who doesn't update the user title
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 13,002
I do speak up. I've been speaking up, over and over, to every tom, dick, and consultant they've brought in since the Reign of Terror ended. I try to explain calmly that they have me spread too thin. The attitude I get back is that I'm not trying hard enough. And if you're really dumb (smart) you can do one or two things and spread them out through the day and get praised for being so on the ball.

Right now I can't concentrate. Someone wants this report (and there are a million problems) and these emails need to go out (thousands of them according to our pre-audit) and they're all fucked up and not working and every single person on earth is asking me about them. I have to once again fix my time sheets from my Cuckoo's Nest time because she keeps saying they're wrong so I have to try to find all my electronic leave requests and figure out if any really ARE missing (and the online form isn't letting me edit so I keep creating NEW forms) and L wants the COPC report that is also going wonky. I can't keep my head on one thing. And I have to go through the 200 pre-audit files to prove that NO they didn't get the fucked up cancellation letters (just another stupid "dear student just in case we haven't told you five hundred times you have the right to cancel this loan if you decide you don't want a big screen TV" which don't work right either and as it's all programmed behind the scenes in some bunker called IT where they look at you like you're stupid like all tech support people do. And also prove that they DID get the goddam notification letters because they get sent out daily...if not daily FOR every day for students who have accepted a's all right there but I've had to explain three different times that we are talking about two entirely different emails.

And I've got PTSD about asking for help anyway due to the Reign of Terror, and I figured something out: when I started NO ONE was doing this job, and my ex boss threw everything at me that never worked right, that we've never been compliant on.

BUT NO ONE WANTS TO HEAR THESE THINGS. If Polly Wolly can plan an event for 60 people and also talk a lot about stuff she doesn't know...well she's a real go-getter. Monkey is a lazy complainer who is fucking up EVERYTHING. So I ask for help. "God you look stupid. Are you stupid? Why can't you answer my question? Do you know anything at all?"
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