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Old 02-16-2013, 05:11 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Griff View Post
Farmers are being blocked from saving and using seeds from their own production because neighboring fields "contaminate" their seed with Monsanto genes.
Relevant details are missing in those arguments. Crops grown using Monsanto seeds do not breed 'live' seeds. A fact that accused Monsanto of binding farmers into buying Monsanto seeds every year.

'Monsanto grown' crops do not germinate so that 'Roundup resistant' seeds do not proliferate as weeds. So how does an adjacent farmer use seeds from Monsanto grown crops?

In the example, LG Electronics did not license (regulate) the use of products using their patent by third parties. A Monsanto license may have regulated how their product can and cannot be used. However, third party farmers did not sign a contract. Numerous and missing details.

In a similar case, a homeowner was using electromagnetic radiation on his property to light fluorescent bulbs. An adjacent electric company sued claiming he was stealing their property. Is it their property when they fill a homeowner's property with their radiation?

What is covered by patents or 'ownership' is not always obvious under the law. Because details can create a 180 degrees different conclusion. They can fill your house with electromagnetic radiation and you cannot use it?

Soundbyte reasoning implied you can use that radiated power. Add details and the soundbyte is wrong. Same applies to Monsanto's seeds. Topmost 'relevant details' imply facts are missing in "Monsanto verses that farmer".
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