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Old 02-25-2013, 08:20 AM   #4942
infinite monkey
Person who doesn't update the user title
Join Date: Mar 2011
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I was mildly irritated Saturday. I went to my niece's basketball game. 4th-5th graders.

It was still at the end of the game before my niece's game. The game was between a smaller school and the Jr Hi of the town where I live. One of the girls on the opposing team (this was a tournament, played in the town where I live, where everyone is either full-on redneck or haughty country club self-important snotty people) stole the ball and was down the court for a lay-up.

No one was around her, but one little devil spawn, I mean little girl, ran up behind her, just as the other girl was getting to the basket...and put both hands out, got up behind the girl, and SHOVED her forward at her shoulders. Shoved. Her. Forward. Hard.

Besides the fact that she could have seriously injured the other girl (like smashing her teeth into the slightly padded wall behind the backboard, or falling and breaking a leg or arm) WHERE IS THE FUCKING SPORTSMANSHIP?

I was incredulous. Not one of my coaches would have ever let me get away with that kind of crap. Oh sure, they'd put me in if there was a particularly pesky player on the other team who was doing some aggressive blocking or whatnot, to take care of her...but not in that way.

I'm no fool who thinks basketball is a pretty little sport where tall guys run up and down the court, slam dunk, or shoot from the other side of the court. I do believe in playing 'tough' and not playing like a 'girl' as my mom would say. You don't skin your knee, and cry. You may run into the back wall on your own, trying to save a ball that is going out of bounds. But you don't blatantly shove people like it's a freaking football game.

The girl got a T and was put on the bench. The other girl got her 2 T shots. The benched girl didn't give a whit.

Me? That girl wouldn't be on the team. Here's an example for you, little ones: you do NOT get to be smartass little snot who push others around like you're on a playground. Smacks too much of bully crap.

She's probably the kid of one of the wannabes and no one dares kick her off the team. THose coaches are volunteering their time, I know...but even as her coach I would have her hit the proverbial showers.

If she were MY child she would have been taken home right then, right there, in front of everyone.

Then a bunch of girls in S's game got called off the court for wearing earrings. Little posts like we used to wear when we were kids; they're pretty safe for the most part. But, it's a rule, and you can't even tape them down anymore.

But let me get this straight: You can shove a girl who is running at full speed like it's the NFL but don't wear a tiny gold post because you might scratch your head.

Grrrrrrrr. I don't know how parents do it. (The good ones, I mean, not the "Johnny never does wrong" kind.)
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