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Old 03-07-2013, 07:41 PM   #9099
Not Suspicious, Merely Canadian
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 3,774
So frustrated. SO tired of being sick and tired. Still passing out on the sofa when exhaustion hits after work, except I have hours of academic work I should be doing every night. Sick of having sweats that soak through my clothes, followed by clammy chills. Sick of not being able to exercise and sick of my clothes not fitting. Sick of only dozing in fits and starts at night, waking in a panic trying to remember what I've forgotten to do. Sick of blurry vision and chemo brain.

I don't think I can face taking tamoxifen, which promises to worsen many of these things, along with other charming side effects.

Sorry to whine. I will carry on. If I hadn't had a mental picture of March being the time when I'd be feeling better, back to the gym, on top of my classes, etc., I wouldn't be as frustrated. Have to remember: she who expects nothing shall not be disappointed.
The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated. - Ghandi
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