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Old 03-11-2013, 08:23 PM   #2
barely disguised asshole, keeper of all that is holy.
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Originally Posted by orthodoc View Post
Is it edible? Or are most of the pics of poisonous ones? (I know the morel is good to eat but don't know the others.)
Here as in most public forums, except when I am speaking to certain groups,

However, according to Wiki -

"The young mushrooms, before the gills start to turn black, are edible. The taste is mild; cooking produces a large quantity of liquid. It can sometimes be used in mushroom soup with parasol mushroom. Large quantities of microwaved-then-frozen shaggy manes are delicious when used as the liquid component of risotto, replacing the usual chicken stock.

The agent responsible for unpleasant symptoms when consumed with alcohol, coprine, which is found in Coprinopsis atramentaria, has not been isolated from C. comatus"

My problem is that thee is a fine line, check that, there is a blurry fuzzy sorta smudge when things change from "edible" to what? "Inedible"? "Poisonous"? And what does poisonous mean? Deadly? Causes stomach upset, headaches, body-aches, dizzyness ... what? At what point?
You tell me. Have I eaten them? yes. Were they worth the "maybe" nope. I've got plenty of others to choose from and I get them in huge quantities without too much effort. Sorry for that aimless rant.

Top image - Some of what ended as 40lbs Hens harvested on my B-day. (Yes, there were other days.)

Bottom Image - Cleaned & Vacuum sealed Chickens - 13lbs.
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