Thread: My Family
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Old 03-27-2013, 04:43 AM   #146
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
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The boys are still kittens. But it won't be long before they're up and into everything.

Abs is a very happy young Mummy.
Well of course she has her own place, can still go back to school, has a loving second family (Connor's I mean) and all the support she needs. Not all available to teen Mums.

Mum & I talked about it the other day. About how she (Mum) and Laura thought the world was ending when they found out, but now it's just part of life. I'm lucky that I wasn't emotionally invested enough to feel that. I knew it would all come right in the end. People have babies. They sometimes go to prison. They have addictions. If you keep breathing you'll get through it. Love what you have as long as you have it.

ETA she is NOT drunk. She leaves that to her Auntie.
I picked the best photo of the boys, rather than her.
She has the downward sloping eyes that are common in my family and often comes out like that when a flash is used.
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