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Old 04-03-2013, 12:02 PM   #53
Adapt and Survive
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Ann Arbor, Mi
Posts: 957
I'm reading this
In HS and college, at the produce farm, I was able to run the forklift up a just wide enough ramp, make a 90 degree turn (with no wiggle room) into a freezer, retrieve a giant crate of corn. Lower enough to get it back through the door, then back down the ramp, move over to the giant crate in the market, get under that door, raise the crate, tell customers to back up for five fucking seconds this corn didn't come out of the field at any different time the other corn did it was just sitting in the freezer...slowly tilt the crate so that the new corn was dumped (read:placed ever so gently) onto the giant customer crate so they could keep pawing over the corn.
I'm thinking this.

Sounds like a class 2 rating to me.

This ad for Alpaca ranching was in the sidebar on the weather page.

Have to say, yeah, sounds like driving and stuff is your bag.
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