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Old 04-04-2013, 08:04 AM   #63
infinite monkey
Person who doesn't update the user title
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 13,002
I could see myself doing that! Think the Flashdance Welder girl without the flash, without the dance, and without the welding. I could weld though. It's just really big soldering.

And I (no, really, I do) have warehouse experience. A temp job at Honda soon after college. I really enjoyed it, I was fast at finding the parts, I loved the physical nature of the job.

I am already wrangling all the bull I can handle, and I am way too in tune with the plight of shopping trolleys to be able to put aside my anger at those who won't push their carts together and therefore excacerbate the wheel alignment issue. I can be really mean. (NO, you say, NOT YOU??????)

Keep the ideas coming!

(Something potentially GOOD happened here yesterday so I have hope again. Yet still I am ready for a new journey if need be.)
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