Thread: Unfit For Work?
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Old 04-04-2013, 09:36 PM   #12
Now living the life of a POW
Join Date: Dec 2012
Location: The Lost Corners of Colorado
Posts: 202
There are so many myths and half truths about the Social Security disability program(s). The person who wrote that article seems to have fallen for many of them.

More people want to get affirmation of their own personal system of belief than they want to get the truth - especially if it's not their brand of the truth. A significant percentage of people in America today want to do away with what remains of this country's social safety net. I have my theories as to why this may be so, but bottom line, I really have no idea.

It would appear that many people besides Romney and his wealthy patrons have come to the conclusion that their fellow Americans are con artists - lazy, lying cheats who will go to any lengths to wallow in an endless shower of money and benefits rained down upon them by Uncle Sam and paid for by struggling billionaires who can barely juggle the payments on their 5th Jaguar, their 4th villa in France, and the cost of buying most of Congress.

The above is proved true by the lack of disabled people and older workers getting hired for jobs. Thanks to the ADA and EOE and the rest of the gov't alphabet soup, employers would jump at the chance to hire a 62 year-old worker with a disability. It couldn't possibly be that actually employers would rather hire someone else and there's no way of proving discrimination either way, so why bother?

I think a country where survival of the fittest and social Darwinism is held in such high esteem will get its just desserts - maybe later, but probably sooner. Apparently there are many who believe the result will be some kind of utopia. Maybe so. Even the society arrived at in Lord of the Flies must have felt utopian to the victors.
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