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Old 04-20-2013, 01:53 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by Lamplighter View Post
First, understand that to be a volunteer leader in the BSA,
a person MUST be the parent of a boy who has joined the Scouts.
When did this come about? This was not true back in the dark ages of my youth.
So, a gay boy is allowed to join, but his gay father or mother are not allowed to participate ?
Of all the scouts in the country, damn few parents want to be, or have the skills, to be scout leaders.
Separating boys from their parent(s) as a matter of policy does not seem like the very good idea to me.
I thought the idea of the scouts was to get them out of the comfort zone of family, and teach them to be self reliant. Teach them to work with other kids, who have different skills and perspectives.

While not ideal, I see this as a workable compromise for the millions of parents that don't want their sons to catch the gays. If their boy doesn't catch it from a queer scout, it'll ease their fears of queer leaders.
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