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Old 04-23-2013, 05:36 PM   #51
The future is unwritten
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Still doesn't work, isn't ... likely to happen in our troop. We have a boy-led troop. Now.
People making statements of what is right and wrong for the BSA, for the USA, and everyone in both, are proclaiming their position on what life and society should be. Fine, that's cool, sometimes it starts dialogs.

You did the same, then got down to where the rubber meets the road with glatt's questions, and drew on your experience in your local area troop when discussing implementation. That's what most people do, because if you discuss hypothetical situations, a shitload of them (majority?) will never happen in a million years.

I think you'll agree, if you take the position of what would happen in your troop, then you sort of have to accept someone else's position on what would happen in their troop in another state/region. So glatt's specific examples will get different responses from different areas.

That's why rules, like laws, can be too specific. First, to cover everything, there wouldn't be enough paper to write them down. Second, it will invariably create unintended consequences.

So now I've come full circle and say the BSA rules/code, have to reflect the general attitude, the spirit of the BSA. But that comes with the realization there are some big divides in this country. Everything you are fer, there's someone agin, and vise versa.

Maybe there can't be a national BSA, maybe if it was broken up by states, each state could come to consensus on rules. Nah, even at that level, most states have a philosophical spread. Maybe the BSA should be dissolved and put them all in the army? Nah, the Navy fathers would have a fit, and the Marines would start a damn war.

So I guess the BSA can't be fixed until society is fixed... may take awhile.
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