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Old 04-30-2013, 09:09 AM   #3635
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
Anon there is nothing you can do.
Whatever the news is, it has already happened.
Because I don't know the circumstances I can't say any more, but it pretty much works for every situation.

If someone has found something out they shouldn't. It's done, breathe.
If it's bad health, or a worse prognosis than expected, it's already been happening. Breathe.
If someone is leaving, or contemplating leaving, it doesn't hinge on this call, it's part of a process. Breathe.

I'm absolutely rubbish about putting things in perspective. I suffer from anxiety even though I'm on medication. Sometimes the only way I can get to sleep is to remember what Mum used to say to me when I was crying myself sick over some minor issue, "What can you do about it? Right now? What can you do?" And the answer was always, of course, "Nothing." So her advice to relax and deal with it in the morning at least got me to sleep.

It doesn't work as well now I'm an adult. And it certainly doesn't work when Mum and I are in conflict! But the base-line is there and I appreciate it. That and breathing. It helps you stay alive.

Much love. Hope it doesn't hurt too much.
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac
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