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Old 01-13-2002, 05:31 AM   #10
Generic Monkey
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Scotland UK
Posts: 49
I believe one of the main reasons why smoking is not illigal is the matter of Tax.

Whilst I don't want to sound like a political pessimist, the government (certainly in this country) have a population that is addicted to various things, cigarettes being one of them.

The easiest solution? Tax the bejesus out of them, that way the sufferers cough (bad pun) up the money, without much choice.

The government gets rich because they have you over a barrel, and what is more they can hike the price to the skyline and claim that it is in the public interest. There are few opportunites to screw the voters and tell them that its for their own good and I expect the current government (like all others before it) is simply going to milk the situation for what it is worth.

Now before anyone complains at me, I don't actually smoke, in fact I detest the things, they smell and affect my health. What I am trying to say, is that, like others have pointed out there are innumerable simple steps that anyone could take to overt the problem. Yet smoking in public places, resturants, food courts, shopping centers, taxi's, busses and everywhere else is restricted not by government decree, but by the owners of said public areas, where it is not enforced save a few "no smoking" stickers.

Makes you wonder whether they are trying to help after all doesn't it? Especially since, as pointed out a *lot* of smokers are afraid of seeking medical care for minor problems believing them to be smoking related thus not tying up the resources of a cash-starved over managed beurocraitc mess that is the NHS.



Ps, I think I took my cynical pills this morning, sorry.
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