Thread: Insanity
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Old 05-03-2013, 05:47 PM   #23
Lola Bunny
Junior Master Dwellar
Join Date: May 2011
Posts: 2,728
Was that for the fit test? You shouldn't have pushed too hard. Did you try to finish the whole minute? I didn' Woman, rest when you need to. Take things slowly and don't push too hard. For example, the knee jump (not sure if that's exactly what it's called), do 1, 2...then rest,, time up? Okay, input that. Do try to follow the people in the video. At first, I don't even jump as high or go down as low. The purpose is the do as much as you can to get stronger and get your heart rate up. You'll get stronger and better eventually. Trust me. Well, I was in it to lose fat so as long as my heart rate is up, I was okay with it. Anyways, no need to cry. Just start the workouts and by the next fit test, you may be able to finish it.
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