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Old 05-10-2013, 10:55 AM   #9297
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
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So. Cirrohis still not confirmed, but the Chief High Consultant (actually a very charming and honest man) explained that it was not possible to have blood results like mine and not be cirrhotic. So bottom line is, they will probably trans-jugular biopsy me to see how bad it is.

What is of more immediate concern is my auto-immune system. My liver may be facing attacks on two fronts, one from my own immune system, the other from my drinking. I am presenting quite young for excessive scarring, although all the results suggest that IS what I am presenting.

Still, the good news if if I achieve and maintain absolute abstinance for life, I have an expectancy of five plus years. The Consultant has people in his clinic who did not appear as outwardly healthy as me but were still alive 15 years later (then again, the ones that died probably weren't still attending.)

If I continue to drink, in any capacity, I only have a 50% chance of making it for the next two years.

I am waiting for results back.
I have an appointment to see them again in a month as a priority.
Head Chap (wish I could even give initials but I didn't catch anyone's names) is going to try to set me up on Acamprosate to help. It's supposed to be managed by my local NHS but they've always said it can only be prescribed by a specialist (which probably means it costs too much.)

It was a relief, talking to a renal specialist.
I'm scared.
Oh and jaundiced (again!)
And have some fluid on my lower abdomen, but again that was never really explained to me or why it was a bad thing.
And the lady who gave me my ultra-sound had to go and get someone else to confirm the results because it appears I have an extra vein in my liver? Still, she said comfortingly, it doesn't appear to be an accute issue, it's something longstanding. Phew (?)

Had a whole armful of blood taken, testing everything that I think they can possibly test for apart from shock and awe.
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac

Last edited by Sundae; 05-10-2013 at 11:05 AM.
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