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Old 05-10-2013, 12:09 PM   #9302
Join Date: Sep 2001
Location: Houston TX
Posts: 1,857
Sad to hear this Sundae.

A few months ago my one and only brother confided in me and my 2 sisters that he had chronic cirrohis from Hepatitis C and is not a good candidate for much of what is offered like interfuron. We were all so surprised as he is usually in great health and has been a strict vegetarian for 35 years or more and quite any drinking at that time. Unbeknownst to us he had experimented with drugs via needle back in his college years when he was living in NY city at school; probably heroin, the choice of the jazz crowd he hung out with.

He lives in Taiwan and sees a specialist who suggested he come back to the USA for a liver transplant but having no home base or health insurance here pretty much ditched that. He is Buddhist now and has a positive attitude, he is ready to go when his time comes. His doctor says the only reason he has lived so long until now with this condition was his healthy vegetarian diet and lifestyle with things like meditation.

I really want to go over this year to see him before it is too late.
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