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Old 05-15-2013, 10:06 AM   #24
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Arlington, VA
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Benghazi is a black eye, but the Republicans are milking it for all it's worth for purely political reasons. It's Monday morning quarterbacking. It's obvious now that things went wrong, but I don't think it was obvious then. As tw points out, we still don't completely understand what happened. But I think we should try to learn what happened there so it doesn't happen again. We shouldn't pick at it for political gain.

IRS: I don't have a problem with the IRS scrutinizing organizations that are trying to get out of paying taxes. Good for them. The only reason it's mostly a bunch of conservative groups is because that's the time period that a bunch of conservatives were forming new tax exempt organizations. Some of the information requests seem a little extreme, but that's what the IRS does. They ask for documentation. This is another politically driven non-story.

The API/CIA leak story is disturbing. I don't like how closed the Obama administration is. I'd like some more transparency. His administration has tried to go after more leaks than previous ones. I don't support that and am disappointed in him.

The military sex scandals aren't a reflection on the Obama administration. It's the military. Obama has been working hard to dismantle that old boys club, but it takes some time to change the culture.
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