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Old 03-15-2004, 11:42 AM   #105
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Originally posted by ladysycamore

Basically, my argument stems from society who tends to heavily question the POV and decisions that the "childfree" make about NOT having kids. I feel that those who desire/want kids should be questioned just as hard. I guess I also don't understand how someone, who has just found out they are pregnant, would not do everything in their power to protect that unborn life, and that would continue to protect it once out of the womb. And yet, "we" (childfree) get called all kinds of child-haters, selfish, uncaring...why is it different for parents? What is mind boggling and head explode-y to me is that parents will say they love their child, yet put their child in harms way!

So, I guess that's whay I'm trying to explain when I said what I said. It didn't have anything to do about abortion (even though I am pro-choic) or any type of forced sterilization.
Why would you assume that parents aren't questioned just as hard? Just because you don't experience it?

Putting your child in harms way is incredibly subjective. What you may see as harm (not vaccinating your kids) others see as protection. What you may not see as harm (giving kids soda and McGarbage) other would. Because one doesn't have as much faith in obstetrics as others, they are questioned. But they shouldn't be prosecuted.
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