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Old 05-28-2013, 01:10 AM   #5
Master of the Domain
Join Date: Mar 2010
Posts: 225
(I think I managed to avoid spoilers, unless you haven't seen 30 year old movies and were just waiting for the right time.)
You did avoid them. Cause primarily that was the stuff I was comparing these new entries against. I mean I can still go back to those Evil Dead movies and get a genuine creep show (and they recently did a re-make which is a pathetic gore fest. Period)

What about writing?
Well I will say I missed out on raving about writing
Louder noises, costlier sets and expensive artists with a group of money holders don't need writing either. It doesn't sell anymore. No more quality, people.

And I even didn't try to watch to new Star-Trek. It might be watchable but I know it will end up ruining the value I had for the series. Naah, no more sci-fi with actual depth or story. More bang-bang there. (What a cynical being I am!)
Did Watch "Fast & Furious 6". And my only reaction was what!? Its mean to be entertaining with all that make-believe action. But come on, there is a limit! I better go back to that Chuck Norris stuff. At least it was hilarious enough.
smoke on the water
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