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Old 06-02-2013, 03:55 AM   #1
We have to go back, Kate!
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The Doctor is Out

Well: had to happen sooner or later, and I think most fans kind of expected sooner. Matt Smith has announced the end of his tenure as the Doctor: we have the big anniversary special (concluding the story from the series finale) and then the Christmas day episode, in which the Doctor will regenerate.

I'm sad about it, natch, I always am. But also kind of ready. I'd love one more series from him, but that's the best way to leave, with the audience wanting more. They've taken Smith's Doctor though so many different stories and the emotional journey he's had seems kind of complete. Not to say they couldn't find more to do if he'd wanted to stay, but it seems to me they've run the gamut, as they had with Tennant by the end. Time to shake off some of the baggage that's gathered over the last few years and start again with a fresh perspective.

I'm sad and also a little excited to see who will take it on next. Oh, and also slightly nervous too. Always am. Alays slightly nervous they'll make a dud choice and the next one just won't match up...

Cue months of press speculation in the UK, with made-up news stories of people who are definitely, no really, honestly, being considered. And articles asking whether now is the time for a woman Doctor (answer: no, it really isn't) or a black Doctor (no objections here), or an older Doctor (again no objections), and claims of leaks in the Sun naming the new Doctor as Joanna Lumley.

Me, I'm going to enjoy the various anniversary goodies that are floating about, and look forward to the conclusion of the current Doctor's story...and try not to get caught up in the surrounding 'new Doctor' noise.
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