Thread: Moving On
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Old 06-03-2013, 02:08 AM   #1
Master of the Domain
Join Date: Mar 2010
Posts: 225
Moving On

Its that feeling now which I often get on taking some huge life-changing decision.

To start with I will say I had a decent job going well enough for me from last seven years or so. A good pay-check. A kind of a settled life with a good girl.
There was time enough to play video games, read fat fantasy novels and do some art work.

'They' often told me that I was bit introvert and doesn't bother too much about the world around me. Very true that one.
However I started noticing something more scary. It wasn't abrupt but eventually this shrill constant screaming in my ear surfaced itself. That's not a metaphor but a literal statement. Doctors diagnosed and said I had tinnitus. Congrats, hola and my hearing has been markedly been affected due to it (thought I was just not paying enough attention to the people speaking). Well if its broke, its broke. Nothing much can be done about it as per medical guy. 'Irreversible loss'. Nada-de-nada. Enjoy your silence or shrill shrieking you deaf man!

What that changed for me was how I dealt with my job. Being technical analyst and all that computer fuzz guy, I had to attend lots of meetings and get involved in active communications. My problems were becoming evident and knew I was on borrowed time with the job. I could have pushed it for another couple of years perhaps but at the cost of being embarrassed and ducking the duties.

Then last week two of college old timers dropped by my place to watch Sunday night game. Few tequila shots and I came to know that these guys drive their own business. Self-employed entrepreneurs in software industry you can say. They happened to be in need of technical director at their company- a role that suits me very much. No doubt, they ask me to pitch in and join the party. I took few days. Discussed it around with my girl/parents and decided to go for it.

Good thing is that these guys know about my ear problem and don't have any issues with it. They just need the technical stuff to be taken care of. And I will be my own master. No one to report to. Whats even better that this venture has huge scope for expansion.
But whats bothering me is that I have to shift from my place. Have to live away from my girl/family for time till at least I have some solid foundation at my new work. Also, as I already said, there will be a cut in my pay-check as well. And moreover, this is no Apple or Microsoft. This is just bunch of guys striving to have foothold among the giants out there. I don't know what future has in hold for me.

But there it is. Long story short: Its that feeling now which I often get on taking some huge life-changing decision.
Feels good to share it though.
smoke on the water
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