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Old 06-03-2013, 02:50 AM   #374
Master of the Domain
Join Date: Mar 2010
Posts: 225
GRR Martin became over possessed and self important author after the popularity of the first three Ice and Fire books. Its too evident if you follow up the blogs or the news of related contents. Its not that his writing quality has declined. Even though he bores you to death with tapestry/food/sex descriptions in his latest "stand-still" books, the literature and writing style still never lags.
What I feel is that Martin has this title working wonders for him (and not un-deserving so), so he doesn't wanna his golden geese let go off that easily. I mean had the plot done enough is 'A Feast for Crows' and 'A Dance with Dragons', a prudent author could have rolled it up in next book. But no! Here is what Martin has to say (quoted from wiki):

"Three years from [2011] when I'm sitting on 1,800 pages of manuscript with no end in sight, who the hell knows".
Displeased with the provisional title A Time for Wolves for the final volume, Martin ultimately announced A Dream of Spring as the title for the seventh book in 2006. Martin is firm about ending the series with the seventh novel "until I decide not to be firm", leaving open the possibility of an eighth book to finish the series
smoke on the water
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