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Old 06-05-2013, 10:36 PM   #7
I hear them call the tide
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Perpetual Chaos
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What exactly are you trying to achieve?

Originally Posted by henry quirk View Post
I don't spend a lot of time codifying principles to transmit to the six-year old Great BEAST of the Apocalypse but three I repeat often...

-Make do with what you got.

Example: the toy in your hand is pretty much the same as the new and improved model advertised on the TV...make do with what you got, BEAST!
What can we do to make what you have even better than the "new and improved" version you (don't) see on TV (because we hippies don't watch shit like that)?

-Be patient.

Example: yes, we're goin' to the park, but not for another patient, BEAST!
"this is what we have to do before we go to the park. it's going to be a while -would you like to make a checklist of the shit we have to get done first/why don't you get lost in a book and we can set an alarm so you know when it's time to stop reading and go."

-Don't overcomplicate it.

Example: no, you don't need the hand-truck to move one, empty, box...don't overcomplicate it, BEAST!
using the handtruck is fun. Is it hurting anyone? BE PATIENT, guardian

The above three are, it seems, codifications bubbling up from natural circumstances that happen often with me and the BEAST.

Any of you parents/caretakers have similar, naturally occurring, codifications, peculiar to your circumstances?
Life isn't fair is the only one you need.

Other than that, you need tenets for guardians, not kids.

1) Chill FFS. You were a kid once, you made it, it can't be all that hard
2) They learn nothing if you tell the what to do and/or how to do it ...unless they ask
The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity Amelia Earhart
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