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Old 06-15-2013, 05:34 AM   #9342
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
Well, I got the call from Waitrose!

They want me on the Deli counter, which was one of the preferences I expressed on my application.
AND I have filled in the medical form, which I was able to answer 100% honestly as it was all about allergies and food-handling issues. Phew!
So now it's just down to references. Something that still makes my stomach churn, but I can't fix what has happened in the past. I'll just have to deal with it as it happens.

The hours I've been offered:
Sunday 09.00-12.45
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 06.30-09.45
Thursday 09.30-13.30

Sunday is time and a half, so I'm pleased to get that one.
Mon, Tues & Weds are an earlier start than I would like, especially as it's not a warehouse job where I can just roll out of bed - I have to be showered and clean and well-groomed.
But it's a job, and after all gives me the whole day free!
I can look for other work in the afternoons when I'm back in the groove.
And all Friday off for appointments etc.

For four days of the week I'll be mostly setting up, stocking shelves I think, as the store will be closed. Waitrose is not 24 hour. When the store is open I'll be working with CHEESE! Cheese and cooked meats and olives and all the things I love.

And I get 12% discount after 3 months.
Although I think Mum would rather I was out of the house more when she was awake, she seems mildly pleased that I really have been looking for work (I think she thought I was pretending) and after all it will benefit the family greatly. I'll get 25% off at Joohn Lewis too - some electrical items excepted.

If I get this, people, life might just work out after all.
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac
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