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Old 06-24-2013, 06:52 PM   #93
Person who doesn't update the user title
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Back to the IRS thing for a moment...

Is it possible that the cure is going to be worse than the disease ?

The IRS has set up a voluntary process for groupsthat
have been waiting for tax-exempt status for more than 120 days
to "self-certify" that they will comply with key rules limiting their political activity.
Such groups have to agree that they will not spend more than 40%
of their time or money on political campaign activities.
In exchange, they can win automatic tax-exempt status.
Sure, that'll work out well, because no one would ever cheat on the IRS !

The quote above is from this article...

USA Today

Deirdre Shesgreen

IRS: Other 'inappropriate' screening of groups done
WASHINGTON — Internal Revenue Service agents in Cincinnati
used additional "inappropriate" lists to flag certain tax-exempt applications
for extra scrutiny, IRS Principal Deputy Commissioner Danny Werfel said Monday.

He declined to say what criteria or terms were on the additional watch lists,
but congressional Democrats released a document showing that IRS
agents targeted groups with "progressive" in their names.
"Common thread is the word 'progressive'," the November 2010 IRS document says.
"Activities are partisan and appear as anti-Republican."<snip>

The IG audit said that of 298 organizations given extra scrutiny, about 96 were tea party groups.
The report did not specify why the other 202 applications were singled out.

The November 2010 IRS document, released by Democrats
on the House Ways and Means Committee, shows an entry titled "progressive"
and advises agents that such groups' activities "appear to lean toward
a new political party" and may not be eligible for tax-exempt status.

In a news release, the Ways and Means Committee Democrats said
they have verified that some of the 298 organizations examined by the Inspector General
were liberal organizations. Rep. Sander Levin, the top Democrat on the panel, said
he would ask the IG why that information was omitted from his initial report
and ask for a new hearing on the issue.
Oh, by the way... regarding Werfel quote above about "self certification":
Werfel [also] said the agency can always review these
groups' activities afterward, to make sure they are in compliance.
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