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Old 06-28-2013, 06:52 PM   #9382
Goon Squad Leader
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I would imagine that if he's receiving hydration in the hospital, they'd give him something balanced like "gatorade" or "saline" (honestly, I don't know what the actual stuff is) but I get your dilution illustration. if they can give him water, it would seem as though they could just as easily add the necessary sodium at the same time.

dude, not a doctor. not bustin your chops. just.. when I've been in the hospital, I have questions, and your post triggered that. I am not interrogating you, I'm just reacting to my own memories of my own experiences.

I sincerely hope for your friend's speedy recovery. Brain injuries are deadly fucking serious and I have little sense of humor about the subject.
Be Just and Fear Not.
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