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Old 07-20-2013, 06:18 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Adak View Post
Even Lee Iacocca, could BARELY keep Chrysler in the black - primarily helped in those years when he had concessions from the unions, AND had a good model car to sell.
Lee Iacocca replaced much of Chrysler's top management. Then let engineers design the cars. He then scrapped most of an existing design subverted by corrupt (bean counter) management. And let the unions design much of a new assembly line. He did what even W E Deming recommended. By eliminating the only problem - top management, then Chrysler repaid all their loans in less than three years. Followed by record profits. He fixed the only reason for financial hardship - top management.

Marchionne did same in heavily unionized Italy. He fired all management in 60 days. And no employees. He quickly made Fiat so profitable that he could buy Chrysler and almost bought Opel.

Extremist rhetoric wants to blame the victims - the employees.

Exactly what happened in Hostess. Unions took wage cuts. Then scumbag management secretly gave themselves record bonuses on top of salaries that were increasing something like 10% every year. After all the purpose of a company is profits to top management.

How did Fox New report those realities? The political agenda often blames the victim. Be it immigrants, gays, women rights, minorities, employees, Muslims ...

Same exists with Martin. A victim is blamed by lies that say he was inside his girlfriend's house boosting he was going to 'get' that creepy ass guy. Another example of blaming the victim for a political agenda. We know where that myth came from because of what Fox News and other extremist propaganda machines (ie Limbaugh) are designed to do. Lie.
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