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Old 01-13-2002, 05:16 PM   #7
Join Date: Apr 2001
Posts: 5,075
Hubris Boy - please tell me that was a joke, i htought it was when i first read it but noone seems to have got it.....

The idea that america is a corperate state hasen't been to a slashdot troll for anyone who hasen't made a concious effort to bury their head in the sand and shove a carrot in each ear for years.

Personally i use card allot, but some things i puchase with cash because i don't wnat them on my credit statements which my mum has a habit of reading .

There are many things we wish to do in private for perfectly acceptable reasons, and this whole pile of terorism bullshit is a: not new, its just now that is happened to America, so suddenly america notices it exists. b: a good excuse to bully civil liberties under some bullshit guise of maintaing law and order. Organisied crime if well organised is above the law anyway, and the rest are not that hard to deal with.

(-1 Offtopic)

Secondly, using card is fuckign expensive and makes you ENTIRELY the banks bitch, if they take your card, you have nothing, and every time you spend your money, they tale a share for giving you the privlige of spending your own money. Here the backs are fucking whores and it runs at about US$.50 which adds up fast to an average(across the country) of close to a grand a year in bank fees, may thier withered souls rot in a thousand hells, i could have spent that on a $700 leather jacket i want =~(
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