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Old 08-01-2013, 01:24 PM   #3694
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
Deli Handcarving training today.
Good news, I took home a sandwich bag FULL of very good Wiltshire ham and roast turkey.
Not so good news, I did not discover a latent skill.
I'm 41. I know I can't cut or carve worth a shit.

But hey, I'll be doing it five days a week, if it's possible to learn I will learn it.
Just so long as they don't bring in a Spreading Cold Butter On Thin Bread section of the Deli.

Tomorrow is branch stock management. May be yawn, but is necessary.
Then baguettes. Hmmm. I like baguettes. Can I take some home please? I will not get any money now until 29 August. I do have some supplies laid by, but I don't want to use them until I have to. Can you imagine the shame if I reach the end of the month and am sacked for scavenging in company bins?!

Okay, things aren't rosy but that is an exaggeration.
I still live with the 'rents and after all still have two stone left to lose.
And there's always that flour at the back of the cupboard...
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac
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